When disaster strikes, being sufficiently prepared for an emergency can minimize danger and put you on good footing towards the road to recovery. Having an emergency kit that is easily accessible can provide the gift of time and confidence to better ensure your family’s safety and fortify resilience against looming severe weather events. In this post, we’ll discuss what true preparedness looks like, the elements of a good emergency kit, and how you can achieve peace of mind for your household.

Why You Need an Emergency Kit

Whether you live in a disaster-prone area or reside in milder climates, emergency kits can be a lifesaving resource for everyone. Furthermore, in today’s evolving weather landscape, it is crucial to build a comprehensive emergency kit that can ensure you’re equipped for any type of severe weather. Recoop’s Damage Report series found that many states experience a diversity of perils throughout the seasons. For example, since 2000, Arkansas has experienced 25 severe storms, four tornadoes, four severe ice storms, two winter storms, and one hurricane. Preparing a kit with a good foundation of basic essentials can ensure you’re ready for any situation that mother nature throws your way, from quick evacuations to sheltering in place without electricity.

Essential Items for Your Emergency Kit

You may be asking yourself, “Where do I start?” A good emergency kit has a combination of helpful tools and personal-care items to ensure your overall wellbeing in the aftermath of a disaster.

  • Water Supplies: FEMA recommends having at least a three-day supply of water (1 gallon per person per day) on hand in the event that your area is damaged and access to drinkable water is limited.
  • Non-Perishable Food: Similar to water supplies, include an assortment of foods that can feed your household for a minimum of three days. The Backpacker’s Pantry recommends foods that are high in calories and nutrients to maximize your energy through challenging conditions. These include jerky and dehydrated meats, canned fruits, vegetables & legumes, canned soups, shelf-stable beverages, protein bars, and freeze-dried meals. Don’t forget to include a can opener and eating utensils!
    • You can also consider purchasing a premade emergency food supply kit. See here for a great list of options that account for various dietary restrictions.
  • First Aid Kit: In the event that a household member is injured, it is important to have medical supplies on hand for treatment, including bandages, antiseptic wipes, gauze, tape, and any prescription medications.
  • Flashlight and Batteries: Flashlights and extra batteries will be crucial if your home loses power from severe weather damage. LED flashlights are recommended as they are more energy efficient and last longer than traditional incandescent bulbs.
  • Tools: A multi-tool, like a Swiss Army Knife, can be helpful for the various tasks that arise in an emergency, such as opening food supplies, cutting gauze and tape to treat injuries, and making item repairs.
  • Personal Hygiene Items: Include hand sanitizer, moist towelettes, toothbrushes and toothpaste, feminine products, deodorant, and any other items you feel necessary to maintain personal hygiene in a temporary living situation or during an extended water outage.
  • Clothing: Store a change of clothes and sturdy shoes for each household member in case you must evacuate quickly.
  • Important Documents: Keep copies of insurance policies, identification, and medical information in a waterproof bag to ensure they stay protected amidst flooding.
  • Cash: It can be helpful to include small bills in the waterproof bag to make essential purchases if power is down and local ATMs and card machines are out of commission.
  • Local Maps: Physical maps can be crucial if you need to evacuate or find alternate exit routes and don’t have access to electronics or cellular service.
  • Special Needs Items: Consider the needs of infants, elderly family members, or anyone with disabilities in your household when packing your emergency kit. And don’t forget about pets! Be sure to include food, water, and supplies for your furry family members.

For further advice on specific items to include in your emergency kit, check out Recoop’s recent story with FEMA expert Cheryl Nelson sharing tips and resources for National Preparedness Month!

Maintaining Your Emergency Kit

Once you’ve assembled your emergency kit, the next step is to routinely check and assess its contents to ensure you’re always ready for the unexpected.

  • Regularly Check Expiration Dates: Every six months, review and replenish food, water, and medications in your kit as needed.
  • Customize Your Kit: Tailor your kit to include specific items relevant to your family’s needs. As needs change (members age, adopt new diets, etc.) you can adjust the contents of the kit accordingly.
  • Practice Your Plan: Engage in occasional family drills so that everyone knows where to access the kit and how to proceed in an emergency.

While an emergency kit will help address your physical and immediate needs following a natural disaster, Recoop can help provide a financial cushion for long-term recovery and repair. Recoop offers up to $25,000 in fast and flexible funds to cover the range of expenses that follow a severe weather event, including temporary housing, groceries, medical bills, and paying deductibles to kickstart homeowner or renters insurance support.

Creating a severe weather emergency kit isn’t just about being prepared, it’s about establishing peace of mind amidst looming disasters. We believe preparation is the key to resilience in the face of disasters and with the right tools and supplies on hand, you can better protect yourself and your loved ones. Stay prepared and stay safe!