While dust storms aren’t often a prevalent topic in the severe weather space, they are certainly ready to enter the conversation as reports show that atmospheric dust levels across the Great Plains have nearly doubled between 2000 and 2018. Dust storms are characterized by strong winds carrying dust and debris. In this blog, we’ll explore some important safety tips for understanding as well as navigating dust storms to minimize their impact on your property and financial wellbeing.

What is a dust storm?

Dust storms occur when strong winds lift loose soil and dust particles, creating a dense cloud that can reduce visibility and cause significant damage. This phenomenon is more likely to occur after a period of drought, when the land is warmer and soil is more exposed to winds, which is why we typically see dust storms during the dry summer months between June and August. Arid or semi-arid regions, such as the Southwest and Great Plains, are especially prone to dust storms in the summertime when hotter temperatures draw in cool northerly winds. Dust storms can pose risks to both property and your health, making preparedness crucial for those living in areas susceptible to these weather events.

How can I prepare my home?

The first step in preparing for a dust storm is fortifying your home to minimize damage down the line. Here are a few tips to help protect your property:

  1. Seal Entry Points

Dust can infiltrate homes through small cracks and gaps around doors, windows, and other openings. You can seal these entry points with weather stripping or caulking to prevent particles from entering your home during a storm.

  1. Secure Loose Items

Strong winds during a dust storm can turn outdoor furniture and other loose items into projectiles that cause damage to your property. In advance, try to secure any objects that could be swept up by the wind, or bring them inside.

  1. Reinforce Doors and Windows

Install storm shutters or impact-resistant windows to provide extra protection against flying debris. If these options aren’t available, you can board up windows and doors with plywood for any dust storms in the forecast.

  1. Maintain Your Roof

Regularly ensure that your roof is in good condition and securely attached to your home, as loose roofing materials can become dislodged during a dust storm, leading to structural damage down the line.

How do I know if there is a dust storm in my area?

Dust storm warnings (DSW) are issued by a national weather forecasting agency when dust reduces visibility in an area to 0.25 mile or less, and winds are 25 miles per hour or more. You can receive notifications about active dust storms through the National Weather Service’s Wireless Emergency Alerts program, which automatically sends emergency messages to compatible phones. Most devices come with WEAs enabled automatically, but if you aren’t receiving these notifications then you can check out this article to learn more about setting up weather alerts.

What should I do during an active dust storm?

If you find yourself caught in a dust storm, it’s important to take immediate action to secure yourself and your family.

  1. Seek Shelter Indoors

As soon as you become aware of an approaching dust storm, move indoors, and close all windows and entrances.

  1. Turn Off HVAC Systems

Dust can overload HVAC systems and cause damage to air filters, so be sure to turn off your heating and cooling systems to prevent particles from entering your home’s ventilation system.

  1. Use Masks

If you must go outside during a dust storm, wear a mask, or cover your mouth and nose with a cloth to protect your lungs from inhaling particles. Avoid prolonged exposure to the dust and seek shelter as soon as possible.

  1. Stay Informed

Information is key during any severe weather event. Monitor local weather reports and stay tuned to emergency alerts for updates on the dust storm’s progress and any safety recommendations from authorities.

Once the storm has passed, be sure to check your home for any damage and make any necessary repairs. Having a supplemental disaster coverage policy in your back pocket can be a crucial support during these times. If you are affected by a dust storm, you can quickly access up to $25,000 in Recoop Disaster Insurance funds to cover any emergency-related expenses. Recoop empowers you to use these funds at your own discretion, whether you need to pay for home repairs, temporary housing, medical bills, anything!

Dust storms can cause serious damage, but being prepared can make all the difference in minimizing their impact. By fortifying your home, staying informed and following these tips, you can protect yourself and family from the next severe weather event.